Half Term/Summer Uni
Schools & Colleges

We have been working with PRU schools since 2012. It has been noticed that our workshops have a calming and quietening effect on many students (where you can hear a pin drop as well as lots of laughter), which is why they have been so successful. The following workshops are also available to schools and colleges who wish to bring something different to their students. Our workshops and presentations can be used on school inset/drop days, college lectures & demonstrations, or simple workshops for all students age 14+


1. Tattoo workshop: This workshop teaches the skills a real tattooist follows up to the drill part. However, we swap the drill for a paint brush and the permanent inks for the temporary verity. All products and tools are professional and not the kind you can buy from a shop. The inks are all hypo allergenic and cause no reaction to the skin. This is the most popular workshop requested by PRU schools and is popular because students can identify with tattoos and find it interesting

2. (SFX) Special FX makeup workshop: This workshop teaches students how to create realistic black eyes, cuts, woulds, death & zombie looks. Students love this workshop because they are learning about the anatomy and how it reacts to trauma. They also enjoy playing pranks on friends and family members. It also helps them identify with how SFX makeup is created for the film industry and how it differs from theater makeup. This is a very popular workshop among boys & girls alike


1. Insight to Industry Presentation:
This is where we go into schools & colleges to give a highly visual PowerPoint presentation and talk about the industry of a makeup artist. This is very popular among male and female students within schools and colleges as they find it fascinating. It is also an excellent way to gauge the amount of interest in a potential BSAAP..... 

2. Oral Health & Hygiene: This highly visual PowerPoint presentation is very informative in regard to oral health and well being. We explain how certain foods and drinks effect our teeth and the process of decay. The presentation includes fillings, crowns, dentures, implants and gum disease and the treatment options available through the NHS and private dental practices. Again, this is one of the most enjoyable group interactions and students all say how much they enjoyed the experience and how much they learnt.  
